From the East Coast Awakening Conference
The presence of the Lord filled my room
Can I first just say THANK YOU for streaming this online, this is such a blessing… Last night as I was listening to the webcast the presence of the Lord just FILLED my room. I laid on my bed for about 3 hours just resting in His presence. It was awesome, I could sense what the Lord was doing in the spirit and I felt like what was happening in the conference was happening in my room.
This morning I was awakened early and the presence was still so strong in my room. When I came to work I decided to tune the webcast from my computer at work (with headphones of course). And it's been amazing. I am a data analyst in the pharmaceutical company and normally people are coming to my desk and calling all morning long with questions and problems regarding their computers. But this morning it has been calm and quiet and I have been able to participate, and even here at work, while I'm working I can participate and be so encouraged. But what was even cooler was as you guys were praying for those of us who were listening, that the anointing and glory would fill our homes, I was receiving it for not only me but my workplace, and I could feel the atmosphere shift in this office.
This morning as I was meditating the Lord had me warring for my destiny, specifically the nations and revival. So this morning when you started praying for people who were called to the nations and also to receive the spirit of awakening/revival I was primed and ready and while I was sitting here working I know God touched me and I know I received the anointing.
I don't have any incredible testimony, but know that what is happening there is effecting those who are listening and also effecting the marketplace.
I could write another book about how blessed I have been by this ministry, but again THANK YOU for your ministry. The Lord has used you to bring a true shift and awakening in my life, not a spiritual high or experience, it's deeper.
Praise God! Blessings,
Lucianna, PA
The power of the Holy Spirit
Just wanted to let you know I'm listening to Matt right now over the internet and as he prayed I felt the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit fall on me. Thank you for making it so we can listen at home and be a part of what God is doing even though we are not able to be there with you. God Bless you and we will see you when you come in November to Long Island. We came to Sports Plus (Long Island) when you were here in April with Mahesh. We are the family with the little girl in the wheelchair; but soon to be released and set free from her bondage! We send our love, prayers and blessings to you all. The Lord continue to bless you and use mightily Matt!..
Debby, Coram NY
Jesus is the healer
Greetings from Cranbrook BC Canada:
I wanted to testify of the goodness and grace and love of the Lord as I tuned into your conference this morning…I was deeply moved to enter into intercession and often I found Him leading me to pray and then you would speak out that which He had prompted me to pray. He continually reminded me that Jesus is the healer; Jesus is the healer; Jesus is the healer.
He was bringing Israel to mind and then you spoke of those called to the nations. The greatest gift of all is love and his great grace. His gracious words that amazes His people.
Blessings and may Jesus the healer be glorified,
Leslie, Cranbrook, BC, Canada
Confirmation of prophetic word
I thank God for the technology of the Internet and the availability and ability to connect into the East Coast Awakening Conference this weekend. I was able to listen to the Friday morning session via the internet. As Matt was ministering prophetically over a Pastor Andy, the words he spoke were confirmation of what I have heard for my life from the Lord 3 times now in the past week concerning being given new shoes, running with fire, door after door opening before me, new season, the light of the Son breaking thru, dark clouds opening, arising and shining with God's glory (Isaiah 60:1-2), a new mantle, called to the nations etc... Thanks Matt for going with God's flow and acknowledging the fact that the Holy Spirit was ministering over the air waves during this Conference. Yes, the glory was ministering to me and hitting me right at my desk in Ontario, Canada!!!!.
Blessings Pam, Canada
The weight of God's Glory
Hello Matt and Team:
Just wanted to tell you how much I have been enjoying the awesome presence and weight of God's glory here in my home as I have been tuned in via "Extreme Radio" from Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada's most eastern province. The presence of the Lord has been very thick and ministering to me personally on so many levels... actually very overwhelming and confirming to my own life and ministry. I am so grateful.
Pastor Andy, Zella, and my dear friends at Voice of Praise are very special to me as I have had the honor of ministering there on a few occasions in prophetic worship and intercession. Next to being there with you all, this live streaming has been such a blessing to me this weekend. If you get the opportunity, please tell Pastor Andy that Clara sends her love from Newfoundland!!
Keep soaring higher to the throne room. This is where we belong!!
God bless you all! Clara, Canada
God's anointing thick in our home
WOW! The past weekend was full of glory and power over the Internet! God's anointing presence was thick throughout our home all weekend.....a depth I had NEVER experienced before. The seed of burning desire was planted within me and I want more! I want MORE...MORE...MORE of a higher communion with the Father.
I gained many insights and directional answers to prayer just through the sharing and teachings God placed on many who shared. My spirit was quickened beyond measure.
After you left the Leesburg, VA area several weeks ago, God had been tugging at my heart to continue to sow into your monthly ministry. I had fervently been praying if this was God's will....When Veronica was prophesying there were those listening over the Internet that would sow into the ministry....At that exact, precise moment God was directing me to sow monthly.
I admire the Ministry's accountability in attempting to make sound financial decisions. I would like to sow into the purchase of the home for the ministry's use. God does call us to be responsible stewards and I am impressed by that aspect of your ministry. I am placing a check into the mail for $1,000 and I am pledging to continue that amount for the next 6 months, in which time I will take it back to the Lord in prayer.
Much continued love and God's blessings, Valerie, online
What a blessing
This is so awesome!!!!! what a blessing.......
~Michele, Long Island, NY
My Spirit leaped
Thank you so much for airing the conference!
When Matt asked a girl her name and she said April, my spirit leaped and I knew whatever Matt was going to say was for me, too.
I grew up in Japan where Christians are NOW only 0.5% population. I was raised in a Buddhist family, went to a Catholic preschool/kindergarten, learned about Jesus, but nobody told me that God would speak to us. So I gave my life to Him when I was 30 after I moved to the states, God's hands have been on my life since I was little, like Matt said to April. So I took everything God gave to her into my spirit! Also I thank you for the teaching on Discernment. I was just crying out to God this week for greater discernment and such sensitivity to Holy Spirit.
Blessings, more fire to you guys, too Nami, online
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